


Nicolò Bastianini

Corporate & Commercial 
Media & Telecommunications
Sport & Entertainment 


Giuseppe Schiavello

Banking & Finance
Real Estate 
Litigation & Arbitration 
Commercial, Corporate and Extraordinary Transactions 


Roberto Serantoni

Real Estate
Business crisis and Insolvency
Leasing and Factoring
Art law



Giovanni Albrile

NPL Management
Software & IA



Antonio Franchi

Civil, Corporate & Commercial, M&A 

Real Estate 
Banking & Financial 
Litigation, Arbitration & Conciliation 


Alberto Manzini

Corporate & Commercial, Civil 
Litigation, Arbitration & Conciliation 



Olga Loragno

Banking & Finance


Francesco Scala

NPL Management
Business crisis and Insolvency
Art law


Lucrezia Domina

Banking & Finance
Corporate & Commercial 


Of Counsel​

Paola Maria Calabrese

Civil, Commercial 
Litigation, Arbitration & Conciliation 
Corporate Governance & Compliance 



Alessandra Flamminii Minuto

Communication & Sports
Litigation & Arbitration 



Gaudiana Giusti

Corporate finance
Corporate Governance & ESG
Banking & Financial 



Maria Indolfi

Corporate & Extraordinary Transactions


Nicolò Bastianini Carnelutti

Corporate and Commercial law
Media & Telecommunications
& Entertainment 


Nicolò Bastianini Carnelutti, who is the nephew of Francesco Carnelutti (1879-1965) and a former partner of prime international Law Firms is the founder of the law firm Bastianini Carnelutti.


Nicolo’ advises leading Italian and international clients on Corporate – M&A matters and his practice focuses on company and corporate law, international transactions, joint ventures, corporate governance, compliance and contract law corporate finance, general corporate law and commercial contracts.
He has assisted many domestic and international industrial, financial and commercial companies.
He also specializes in the fields of media, sports, entertainment and telecommunications as well as fashion and luxury, and he advises several of the major international and European players in these industries such as leading media companies, television broadcasters and producers, internet and mobile telecom operators, sports organizers and show business talents as well as important fashion designers.
His practice touches many sectors of the world of sport and entertainment such as negotiation and drafting of contracts, assistance in relations with agents, management of exploitation of image rights, drafting and management of sponsorship and licensing agreements, and assistance in the fields of music and television rights.
Nicolò was the Head of Legal and Corporate Affairs for the Italia ’90 FIFA World Cup Organizing Committee.


Nicolò has been recommended as a corporate lawyer by Best Lawyers 2024.

He was mentioned in the magazine ”Super Lawyers and Super Corporate Law Firms 2022” of Class Editori Group, in M&A Small Cap Practice.
He won the TopLegal Industry Awards as Best Italian Media Lawyer and is recognized as a leading lawyer in the most important international legal guides such as Chambers, Legal 500 and Euromoney.


Member of the Italian Bar.
Law degree from the University of Turin.
Foreign languages: English, French and Spanish.

Giuseppe Schiavello

Banking & Finance 
Real Estate 
Litigation & Arbitration 
Corporate & Commercial, Extraordinary Transactions


Giuseppe Schiavello is the founder of Studio Legale Schiavello & Co 


Giuseppe advises banks, financial intermediaries, investment firms, funds and industrial and commercial undertakings in all sorts of financing and structured finance transactions.

The spectrum of his activities encompasses acquisition finance, project finance (co-generation and waste-to-energy plants, wind farms, photovoltaic plants, power sub-stations, water systems), asset finance (aircraft financing or leasing), real estate finance (mortgage financing involving commercial, office, or industrial real estate, as well as logistic centres and hotels) and supply chain finance.

Giuseppe advises the arranger, the investors, the originator, the servicer or the rating agencies in a number of CMBS transactions, and in the securitisation of non-performing receivables, trade receivables and WBSs.

He is involved in corporate or debt restructuring transactions, more often as the advisor of the bank lenders, covering also insolvency law issues.

He advises on the regulation of banking, financing and investment services and mutual funds. Giuseppe acts as party-counsel in domestic and international arbitrations relating to the above legal matters. Giuseppe is the former Co-Chair of the International Bar Association Banking Law Committee until 2019.

  1. “Claback of security in insolvency”, IBA Banking Law Committee Project, 2012.
  2. “Project Financing ed energie rinnovabili: overview della documentazione legale da predisporre”, in Il Sole a trecentosessanta gradi, ISES.
  3. “Servicing Italian CMBS Transactions”, in Expansion and Diversification in Securitization Yearbook 2004, Kluwe, 2007.
  4. “A/B Structures in CMBS Transactions: an overview from an Italian perspective”, in Innovations in Securitization Yearbook 2006, Kluwer, 2006.
  5. Comment of section 18 of  the new CCI arbitration regulations (with Rosaria Arancio) in Briguglio, Salvaneschi, (a cura di), Regolamento di arbitrato della Camera di Commercio Internazionale, Milan, 2005.
  6. “CMBS in Italy: the current issues and the synthetic route”, in Securitization of derivatives and alternative asset classes, Kluwer, 2005.
  7. Comment of sections 39, 40, 41, 42, 203 and 204 of the legislative decree 24 february 1998, in Alpa and Zatti, Commentario alle leggi complementari al codice civile, 2000.
  8.  “A  practical approach to arbitrato irrituale under Italian Law and its treatment abroad (Co-author: P.M. Patocchi)”, in The Arbitration and Dispute Resoution Law Journal, 1998.
  9. “Trasferimento e pegno di titoli di Stato in gestione centralizzata presso la Banca d’Italia”, in Mondo Bancario, 1997
  10. “Circostanze sopravvenute ed esecuzione del mandato”, in Mondo Bancario, 1996.

Giuseppe is a “recommended lawyer” by Legal 200 2015, on “Banking”.

Chambers Global and Chambers Europe 2015 say about Giuseppe: “Giuseppe Schiavello has significant expertise in securitization, including the securitization of non-performing loans and trade receivables”.

Giuseppe is rated as an Highly Regarded Lawyer in IFLR 1000 2018.

Law degree maxima cum laude at LUISS Guido Carli in Rome.
Member of Italian Bar, registered in Rome.

Foreign languages: English and conversational French.

Roberto Serantoni

Real Estate
Business crisis and Insolvency
Leasing e Factoring
Art law


Roberto Serantoni is the founder of Serantoni e Associati Studio Legale


Roberto deals with real estate law, business crisis and insolvency law, both in and out of court.
He has also gained specific expertise in the fields of banking law, leasing, factoring and in the main issues of trust companies; ee also manages contracts and litigation for clients in the field of media law and art law.

he worked for a decade with the Faculty of Law at the University of Turin as an assistant in international matters.

Since 1994 he has been head of the Milan office of the Rossotto Law Firm (now RP Legal), and then partner of the same firm; In 2004 he started a collaboration with Avv. Domenico Sindico of Turin by founding the homonymous firm specializing in industrial property, where he worked until the end of 2019; from 2020 to 2023 he founded and directed, with two other professionals in Turin, the T-Law Lawyers Firm.



Member of Italian Bar from 1991.

Foreign languages: english and french.

Giovanni Albrile

NPL Management
Software & IA



Giovanni Albrile deals with banking law, and active and passive litigation, with a specific focus on the management of securitizations and NPL portfolios, from the due diligence phase to the management of debt collection.
He has also gained specific expertise in software and IT law, also dealing with artificial intelligence and digital identity.

Since 2015 he has been collaborating on a regular basis with Avv. Serantoni.


Graduated in 2014 from the University of Turin with a thesis in International Law, in 2012 he participated in “the Jessup Moot Court Competition” in the winning team of the national rounds.

Foreing languages: english.

Antonio Franchi

Civil law, Corporate and Commercial law, Mergers and Acquisitions
Real Estate
Banking & Financial
Litigation, Arbitration and Conciliation



Antonio Franchi regularly assists and advises Italian and foreign clients on civil, commercial, corporate, banking, finance, insurance and real estate matters. He is devoted to domestic and International litigation and arbitration, also as an arbitrator.
He worked for major Italian and International law firms (such as Carnelutti, Santa Maria and Allen & Overy) and experienced significant domestic and International M&A transactions and other extraordinary operations, commercial contracts and Corporate Governance matters, especially on directors’ liability.
He has carried out a research program on Corporate Governance at the Law and Economics Department of Bank of Italy in 2003 and was an adjunct professor of Insurance Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Milano-Bicocca from 2007 to 2010.
He is author of books and essays in civil and commercial law.

  1. “Responsabilità dei sindaci per mancato esercizio dei poteri istruttori e impeditivi”, in www.ius.giuffrefl.it, April 15, 2024
  2. “Responsabilità dei sindaci per inosservanza del dovere di vigilanza, in www.ius.giuffrefl.it, November 8, 2023
  3. “L’interesse personale antitetico a quello sociale ovvero l’attività fraudolenta dei soci maggioritari a svantaggio dei soci di minoranza”, in www.ilsocietario.it, July 27, 2023
  4. “I presupposti per il valido esercizio dell’azione individuale di responsabilità verso gli amministratori”, in www.ilsocietario.it, May 5, 2023
  5. “La responsabilità degli amministratori non esecutivi e il concorso nella bancarotta fraudolenta”, in www.ilsocietario.it, November 30, 2022
  6. “Un (ulteriore) ampliamento dei doveri di vigilanza del collegio sindacale di società bancarie?”, in www.ilsocietario.it, August 30, 2022
  7. “Conflitto di interessi tra amministratore e società nel processo: la nomina del curatore speciale ex art. 78, comma 2 c.p.c.” in www.ilsocietario.it, January 18, 2022
  8. ”Validità della manleva inerente rapporti circoscritti e noti al garante”, in www.ilsocietario.it, April 21, 2021
  9. “Il conflitto di interessi e l’abuso del potere nelle società“, in www.ilsocietario.it, December 10, 2020  
  10. Comment of Sections 136, 145-bis, 161, 162, 184, 310 and 311 of “Codice delle Assicurazioni Private”, in “Codice dei Contratti commentato, a cura di Guido Alpa e Vincenzo Mariconda”, Wolters Kluwer, 2020
  11. “L’abuso della maggioranza negli organi collegiali: gli elementi costitutivi e le conseguenze dell’abuso”, in www.ilsocietario.it, July 28, 2020
  12. “Responsabilità dei sindaci per condotta omissiva in ipotesi di dimissioni“, in www.ilsocietario.it, April 7, 2020   
  13. “L’abuso del diritto nelle società”, in the series Officina del Diritto (Società e Fallimento), Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre, February, 2020
  14. “Codice delle Assicurazioni“, in Codice delle Leggi Civili Speciali annotato con la giurisprudenza, Nel Diritto Editore, 2018 in Collana I Codici Superiori diretta da Guido Alpa a Roberto Garofoli
  15. “L’opzione di vendita put e la manleva del nuovo socio dalle conseguenze negative dell’investimento in società”, in www.ilsocietario.it, November 6, 2018 
  16. “I doveri di vigilanza del collegio sindacale di società di diritto comune e di società bancarie”, in www.ilsocietario.it, July 31, 2018  
  17. “La responsabilità egli amministratori non esecutivi di società di diritto comune e di società bancarie”, in www.ilsocietario.it, June 28, 2018 
  18. “Manleva verso gli amministratori”, in Bussola, www.ilsocietario.it, April 27, 2018  
  19. “Responsabilità degli amministratori e rilevanza causale della condotta del singolo socio o del terzo”, in www.ilsocietario.it, November 27, 2017 
  20. “Responsabilità di amministratori e sindaci di una banca per concessione di credito”, in www.ilsocietario.it, August 9, 2017
  21. “La responsabilità degli amministratori in caso di riduzione del capitale al di sotto del minimo legale”, in www.ilsocietario.it, March 20, 2017 
  22. “Legittimazione del liquidatore all’azione di responsabilità verso gli amministratori di società in concordato liquidatorio”, in www.ilsocietario.it, January 16, 2017 
  23. “Riflessioni sulla manleva”, in Contratto e Impresa no. 1, 2017
  24. Commento degli articoli 161-162 e 184 del Codice delle Assicurazioni Private, nel Codice dei Contratti commentato, a cura di Guido Alpa e Vincenzo Mariconda, Wolters Kluwer, 2017
  25. “La responsabilità della banca per aggravamento del dissesto della società sovvenuta”, in www.ilsocietario.it, September 26, 2016
  26. Developments and Critical Issues of Corporate Governance in Italy”, in www.lawyerIssue.com, May 30, 2016
  27. “Amministratori: limiti al principio dell’insindacabilità delle scelte di gestione”, in www.ilsocietario.it, April 15, 2016
  28. “Codice delle Assicurazioni”, Giuffrè, 2016, a cura di Alpa, Gaggero, Franchi
  29. “Codice delle Assicurazioni”, in Codice delle Leggi Civili Speciali annotato con la giurisprudenza, Nel Diritto Editore, 2016, in Collana I Codici Superiori diretta da Guido Alpa e Roberto Garofoli
  30. Providing for valid hold harmless covenants in favor of directors in Italy”, in www.lawyerIssue.com, December 4, 2015
  31. “La responsabilità degli amministratori in caso di inadempimento contrattuale della società”, in www.ilsocietario.it, December 3, 2015
  32. “La responsabilità degli amministratori di S.p.A. e l’arbitrato; la rilevanza della condotta antigiuridica “per sé” degli amministratori di S.p.A.”, in www.ilsocietario.it, September 22, 2015
  33. “Codice delle Assicurazioni”, in Codice delle Leggi Civili Speciali annotato con la giurisprudenza, Nel Diritto Editore, 2015, in Collana I Codici Superiori diretta da Guido Alpa e Roberto Garofoli
  34. “La responsabilità degli amministratori di S.p.A. e gli strumenti di esonero da responsabilità”, Giuffrè, 2014
  35. “Codice delle Assicurazioni”, Giuffrè, 2013, a cura di Alpa, Gaggero, Franchi
  36. “La garanzia propria e impropria e la manleva”, in Foro Padano, 2010, Parte prima
  37. “Il contratto di manleva e la manleva verso gli amministratori”, in Contratto e Impresa n. 1, 2007
  38. “Codice delle Assicurazioni”, Giuffrè, 2007, a cura di Alpa, Gaggero, Franchi
  39. “La disciplina degli interessi degli amministratori delle società di capitali nel nuovo diritto societario”, in Previdenza complementare, assicurazioni, banche e società (Atti dei seminari tenuti nell’Auditorium della Cassa Forense in Roma, April 14, 2004 – June 30, 2004), Il Sole 24 Ore, 2006
  40. “La rinuncia all’azione sociale di responsabilità verso gli amministratori”, in Contratto e Impresa n. 2, 2005
  41. “Responsabilità della banca per concessione abusiva del credito”, in I Contratti n. 2, 2004
  42. “La responsabilità degli amministratori di S.p.A. nel nuovo diritto societario. I principi per una disciplina “europea” e i riflessi nell’ambito delle società bancarie”, Giuffrè, 2004
  43. “La responsabilità delle banche per concessione “abusiva” del credito”, in Casi scelti in tema di responsabilità civile, a cura di Alpa, Capilli, Putti, Cedam, 2004
  44. “La legittimità dei patti traslativi delle imposte”, in Corriere Tributario n. 27, 2003
  45. “La riforma del diritto societario e le nuove regole di governance delle società per azioni: i principi dettati a livello comunitario e le implicazioni sulle società bancarie”, in Vita Notarile n. 3, 2003
  46. ”La responsabilità delle banche per concessione “abusiva” del credito. (Tribunale di Foggia, May 6, 2002)”, in Diritto del commercio internazionale n. 2/3, 2003
  47. ”The scission of companies in Italian Law”, in Newsletter of the Mergers & Acquisition Commision della Union Internationale des Avocats, October, 2000
  48. “Riduzione del capitale e copertura delle perdite eccedenti il patrimonio netto”, in Diritto e Pratica Tributaria n. 5,1998
  49. “Rassegna di dottrina e giurisprudenza sulla prelazione convenzionale”, in Rivista del Notariato, n. 1/2, 1997

Law degree with honors from the University of Siena in 1991.
Member of Italian Bar from 1996, registered in Milan.
Antonio has obtained an Academic Fellowship at the Faculty of Law of the University College of London in 1998 and has taken a Master Degree in Capital Markets Law at the University “Statale” of Milan in 2003.He has been admitted to appear before the Italian Supreme Court and other higher jurisdictions in 2010. 

He is a member of the European Corporate Governance Institute, European Branch of the Chartered Istitute of Arbitrators, Dubai International Arbitration Centre, International Bar Association.

Foreign languages: English and French.

Alberto Manzini

Corporate and Commercial law, Civil law
Litigation, Arbitration and Conciliation 
Mergers and Acquisitions 
Industrial law



Alberto Manzini is a lawyer who operates in the areas of Civil Law, Commercial and Company Law, Corporate-M&A, Litigation and Arbitration. He has gained an important professional expertise working in some of the most famous Italian Law Firm such as Jaeger Law Firm, Libonati – Jaeger Law Firm and Pavesi Gitti Law Firm for nearly 20 years.
Alberto’s expertise encompasses all the areas of Law related to enterprises.
With reference to the expertise gained as a Litigator, Alberto has acted as an advisor and attorney at law in many trials in front of the Courts and Superior Courts in Italy and in Arbitration proceedings as well, dealing with legal matters concerning companies and legal persons (i.e. Company Law; Contract Law; Bankruptcy Law, Competition Law, Banking and Financial Law, Intellectual Property Law).
He has also developed an important expertise with reference to M&A transactions and regularly provides legal advisory to companies and group of companies.
Alberto is author of books and comments related to Company and Commercial Law.

  1. Comment in the Newsletter of Axerta S.p.A. about “La tutela del know how contro gli atti di concorrenza sleale“, 2021.
  2. Co-autor of the book “Il Manuale delle Acquisizioni di Impresa” Edizioni Il Sole 24 Ore, 2003.
  3. Co-autor of the book “Le Offerte Pubbliche di acquisto” Edizioni Il Sole 24 Ore, 2000.

Law degree cum laude from the University “Statale” of Milan.
Member of Bar Association from 1996.
From 2015 he is admitted to appear before the Court of Cassation and other higher jurisdictions. 
Foreign languages: English.

Olga Loragno

Civil law
Banking and Finance



Olga Loragno provides judicial and extrajudicial assistance, in banking and financial law, commercial law and civil law.


In July 2023, Olga has accomplished her master’s degree in law discussing a thesis in Financial Markets Law entitled: “The new scenarios of sustainable finance: ESG issues in the ECB’s mandate, the green policy choices and related litigation’s risks.”

in 2019 she obtained the “honorable mention” as a Delegate by attending “Change the World Model United Nation” at the United Nations headquarters in New York.

Francesco Scala

NPL Management
Business crisis and Insolvency
Art law



He deals with NPL management, banking law and business crisis and insolvency law. In addition, he has gained experience in the field of art law with specific reference to issues related to musical works.


In September 2023, he qualified as a lawyer.

In December 2020 she obtained her master’s degree in law with a thesis in European Union law entitled: “the abuse of a dominant position in EU competition law: the case of binding practices“.

Foreign languages: english and spanish.

Lucrezia Domina

Banking & Finance
Corporate & Commercial 



Lucrezia holds a law degree cum laude at the Luiss Guido Carli University with a final dissertation in criminal-corporate law entitled “The criminal protection of the luxury brand”.
During her academic experience, she had the opportunity to delve into many topics: from economics – also thanks to the training school on circular economy, labor and cooperation – to workshops on civil and commercial mediation, the defense of economic rights (such as the so-called pro bono legal clinic), until the fight against discrimination.
In July 2021, she held a Summer School at Palacký University Olomouc focusing on “Central University & European Integration”.
Since September 2022, she is part of our team.


Foreign languages: English.

Paola Maria Calabrese

Labour Law
Civil Law, Commercial law
Litigation, Arbitration and Litigation 
Corporate Governance and Compliance


Paola Maria Calabrese has specialized in consulting and litigation in the field of labor law, dealing with individual and collective dismissals, employment contracts, collaboration and consultancy contracts, employment relationships with managers, agency contracts, company regulations and policies, company transfers, television production contracts, inspections, procurement contracts , health & safety, security, accidents at work and on construction sites, contracts for guest use and loan for company employees.

She has gained a long professional experience in the field of consulting and assistance – judicial and extrajudicial – for companies operating in the sectors of fashion & luxury, television production and telematic channels, real estate, banking & finance, IT, the art market and healtcare.

She has also developed a significant experience in the field of Compliance and Corporate Governance, dealing with the fulfillment and periodic adaptation of the provisions of the Dec. Legs. 231, of the regulations in the field of Privacy and GDPR, of the setting of the system of delegations and powers of attorney and of the drafting of InterCompany contracts



Law degree from the “Sacro Cuore” Catholic University in Milan.

Member of Milan Bar Association since 2000.

She is admitted to appear before the Supreme Court of Cassation and other higher jurisdictions.

She has obteined data protection officer certification (DPO).

Paola is a member of AGI (Italian Labour Lawyers Association) .

Alessandra Flamminii Minuto

Commercial law
Litigation and Arbitration



Alessandra is a civil lawyer who has concentrated her professional activity in the field of sports, commercial, family and electronic communications law.
Alessandra is a member of the Sports Agents Commission of the Italian National Olympic Committee (C.O.N.I.) since 2018, also holding the position of President until 2019. Furthermore, since 2014 she is the National Sports Prosecutor at the General Prosecutor’s Office of Sport.
Previously, from 2009 to 2016 she provided external consultancy to the regional department of the Authority for Communications Guarantees (CO.RE.COM Lazio) in the dispute resolution procedures between users and electronic communications operators.


Foreign languages: English and she’s a native German Speaker.

  1. Among the signatures of “Il Civilista”, sector magazine published by Giuffré, Alessandra has also published “The ordinary cognition process”, Scenari series, Giuffrè Editore (1st edition: 2007; 2nd edition, 2009.
  2. Co-author of Ipsoa Francis Lefebvre – Practical Memento: “Civil Procedure” ,1st edition, 2008.
  3. Co-author of Ipsoa Francis Lefebvre – Practical Memento: “Commercial Companies”, 2004 edition, 2005 edition, 2007 edition.
  4. Co-author of Ipsoa Francis Lefebvre – Practical Memento:”Bankruptcy”, 2006 edition, 2007 edition.

Gaudiana Giusti

Corporate finance
Corporate governance & ESG
Finance and banking



Gaudiana Giusti has focused her professional activity in the field of corporate law, capital markets and banking, with a particular focus on the field of market operations, extraordinary finance and banking and financial intermediation.
She is an expert in corporate governance, fulfiment, compliance and control and remuneration systems for listed and/or regulated companies.
She has also developed specific experience in identifying risks and opportunities related to ESG issues and related strategic planning, and has actively collaborated in processes of digital transformation, innovation and review of business models in the companies of which he has been a part.
In the institutions with which she has collaborated, she has constantly promoted gender balance and inclusive culture, actively working on related projects. She is currently an independent director and Chairman of the Related Parties Committee of Banca Carige S.p.A., independent director of A2A S.p.A. and member of the Control and Risk Committee, Lead Independent Director and member of the Control and Risk Committee and of the Remuneration and Appointments Committee of Saes Getters S.p.A.. She is also a member of the Supervisory Board pursuant to ex Decree 231 of some entities of the Credit Suisse group in Italy and abroad and of Saes Getters S.p.A.


Law degree maxima cum laude from the University of Pisa.
Licence speciale en droit européen (with honours) from the Université Libre de Bruxelles.
ABI and Assogestioni Induction for directors and auditors of financial institutions and listed companies.
Foreign languages: English and French.

Maria Indolfi

Commercial law
Corporate and Extraordinary Transactions




Maria advises banks, financial intermediaries, investment firms and industrial and commercial corporates in any contractual, corporate, regulatory and compliance aspect of the relevant activities (including data protection and anti-money laundering compliance).
She also advises on lending, securitisation, mergers and acquisitions, (including on the relevant regulatory and supervisory matters), other extraordinary transactions (transfers of going concerns and financial assets also in block) and debt restructuring.
Maria is also involved in litigation in those matters where she renders non-contentious advice.
She was involved in the creation of participation foundations (fondazioni di partecipazione) and has advised on the intergenerational transfer of SMI businesses.
Since 2012 she attends the editorial board of the review Annuario del Contratto, edited by Vincenzo Roppo and Andrea D’Angelo and, since 2015, of the review Le Corti Fiorentine.
She was a member of the research groups in academic projects with the CNR and the MIUR and is frequenty teaching finance contract law and commercial contract law at the universities of Brescia and Pavia.


Member of Milan Bar Association.

Degree in law maxima cum laude from the l’Università degli Studi di Firenze and has achieved a research doctorate at the Università degli studi di Pisa with a written dissertation on “Destinazione patrimoniale fra unità e pluralità di patrimoni”.

Foreing languages: English.

  1. “Aleatorietà convenzionale dei contratti derivati”, Padova, Cedam, 2013.
  2. “Attività ed effetto nella destinazione patrimoniale dei beni”, Napoli, ESI, 2010, reviewed in Rassegna di diritto civile 1/2013. 
She also published nuerous essays and comments to court decisions on civil law matters and contributed to treatises or other collective works on contract and obligations law.

Diana Monaco


The Firm relies on Diana to manage all the administrative and organisational matters and to assist professionals.
Diana complements her role with considerable experience in institutional, political and press agency communication, web content management and fund-raising.


Diana holds a National Diploma in Photography from the City of Westminster College in London.
Foreign languages: English and a basic knowledge of Spanish and French.

Federica Tripodi


Federica is responsible for the supervision and operational management of the general services of the firm, and of the web content editor. He manages the administration and accounting activities and provides secretarial support to the team, also deals with the coordination of human resources. He previously worked for other prestigious law firms, expanding his knowledge and skills in communications management.


Foreign languages: English and Spanish.

bastianini carnelutti was selected and mentioned in the magazine ''super lawyers and super corporate law firms 2022'' of class editori group

The Firm and the founder Nicolò Bastianini Carnelutti were selected and mentioned in the magazine ”Super Lawyers and Super Corporate Law Firms 2022” of Class Editori group, in M&A Small Cap Practice.

May, 2022

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